The aircraft with manufacturer serial number 18948 and line number 495 is a Boeing 707-384C. It had its maiden flight on 1966-05-05. The last recordered registration was ST-JCC. The airframe is stored.
Olympic Airways, from 11th of May 1966, registered as SX-DBA Alia, from 6th of March 1975, registered as JY-AEB Sierra Leone Airlines ls, from 14th of May 1983 Gamair leased, from 16th of July 1987 Royal Jordanian rt, from April 1988, registered as JY-AJK Jaro Int, from 22nd of February 1996, registered as YR-JCC IBIS Air Transpo, from 28th of March 1997, registered as P4-JCC AZZA Transport Comp, from May 1997, registered as ST-JCC